Results from the Seaknot project
The public deliverables produced by the SEAKNOT partners in the various work packages will be published on this page as soon as they are made available.
D1.1 PIRT Assessment methodology
D1.2 PIRT on SA – Coming June 2026
D2.2 Database directory: overview and operation manual – Coming September 2026
D3.1 Mapping of European Severe Accident facilities
D3.2 Capabilities of European Severe Accident facilities – Coming September 2026
D3.3 SAINET infrastructure – Coming September 2026
D4.1 Main outcomes of the two SAP Courses – Coming March 2026
D4.2 Major outcomes of the two ERMSAR editions – Coming March 2026
D4.3 SA Textbook summary – Coming September 2026
The 11th edition of the ERMSAR (European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research) Conference, was held the 13 to 16 May 2024 in Stockholm, hosted and locally organized by KTH, after 2 years for the previous 10th edition in Karlsruhe. For the first time it was organized in the frame of the EURATOM SEAKNOT project and the Technical Area 2 of the NUclear GENeration II and III pillar (NUGENIA TA2) of SNETP Association, together with IAEA and OECD/NEA.
The Technical Programme Committee involved 19 researchers from diverse organizations (BT, CEA, CIEMAT, ENEA, Framatome GmbH, GRS, IAEA, INRN, IRSN, JSI, KIT, KTH, LGI, NEA and University of Pisa).
ERMSAR 2024 gathered 157 participants from 77 organizations settled in 21 countries worldwide (EU, USA, Canada, UK, Republic of Korea, Japan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt), which highlighted ERMSAR as the reference international conference on Severe Accidents. 73 papers were orally presented, and 33 more were exhibited in the posters stand. The conference focused on the latest progress of international knowledge on severe accidents and was mainly an opportunity for researchers to discuss about future R&D priorities in this field. The Conference topics are highlighted in the following technical session list.
- In-vessel corium and debris coolability
- Ex-vessel corium interactions and coolability
- Looking ahead in severe accident research
- Containment behavior incl. H2 explosion risk
- Source term issues
- Analysis, Management, and Consequences of Severe Accidents for Gen I/III reactors
- Severe accidents in innovative reactor concepts such as Gen IV and Small Modular Reactors(SMRs)
- Other applications (fusion reactors, interim SNF storage, Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATFs), etc.
In addition, the technical programme included three plenary sessions, in addition to specific presentation on SEAKNOT and NUGENIA/TA2 latest activities and status:
- Singular careers in SA research
- Regulatory perspective and approaches for Severe Accidents in Small Modular Reactors
The proceedings of the Conference are published by KIT library and is available also on Zenodo online open repository.
Next edition ERMSAR 2026 will be again organized in the frame of the SEAKNOT project by CIEMAT from the 18th to the 23rd of May 2026, in Madrid.
SAP 2025: JUNE 23 – June 27 2025, FZJ Jülich (Germany)
SASCAMP 2025: June 30 – July 4 2025, FZJ Jülich (Germany)
The next edition of the short course on Severe Accident Phenomenology (SAP 2025) will take place from Monday 23 to Friday 27 June 2025 at FZJ Jülich (Germany), followed by the first edition of the Severe Accident Summer Camp (SASCAMP 2025) from June 30 – July 4, 2025. Organized in the framework of the SEAKNOT Euratom project on “Severe accident research and knowledge management for LWRs”.
The SAP course is focused on the transfer of the knowledge gained on Severe Accident in the last two decades to M.Sc.-Ph.D. students and researchers recently involved in severe accidents. This SAP 2025 edition is a sequel to the previous SEAKNOT SAP 2023 held in Madrid and NUGENIA TA2 SAP Courses held in Bologna (2021).
SASCAMP 2025 will not be another SAP course or a SA code training but a new format residential camp, where qualified Instructors will support small groups of participants while “solving” SA related assignments, shearing they knowledge and knowhow in this area.
Please inform SEAKNOT about your possible interest in participating in these 2 events by filling in this form.
The FZJ webpage for SAP and SASCamp 2025 has been finally published on this link.
Validation Database Directory
Information coming soon.